“This weekend was life-changing for me. I’m not sure I would’ve made it until this morning, if not for yesterday in the Power of Purpose.”
I live for moments like this. I’ve given my life and will continue to do so, to help as many as I can find the hope they need, to live the life God dreams for them. Filled with purpose and peace.
When I received this email from one of the attendees of my past weekend’s Power of Purpose, I remembered an old saying I saw come true in so many ways during the workshop.

This quote has been attributed to many people, including Mark Twain.
Kathy Matteo was able to use parts of it to take her song, ‘Come from the Heart’, all the way to the number one slot on the country charts in the late 80s.
But whoever was the originator of one of the many versions of these truths, they all came to my mind when I read this email from someone in my workshop yesterday.
As I reflected over how I saw all of the truths come to fruition in the Power of Purpose sessions this past weekend, I thought I’d share them with you, because it’s a powerful way for all of us to live!
1. Work like you don’t need the money!
For me personally, what I do is not ‘work’.
Late last night, I received a wonderfully supportive text from a dear friend that said: “I’m praying that you’ll rest well after a long day of work.”
Immediately I thought of what a sweet text that was. And that was certainly true.
But simultaneous to that thought was: “I wonder if this was meant for someone else because I didn’t have a long day of work.”
I had to laugh at myself as I realized that my friend was referring to the Power of Purpose.
The hour drive there.
The hour of set up.
The 10-hour workshop.
The hour of tearing it down, packing it up.
The hour of driving back.
The hour delivering sound systems and screens to storage, and unloading at the office.
I realize how truly blessed I am that whether I’m doing the Power of Purpose, the Power of Marriage, or one of my Coach Training courses … none of that feels like ‘work’ to me.
It never fails to amaze me how our faith to finally do what we love, becomes that unseen force creating opportunities, as we move towards what we love.
Some call it the universe at work. Which I’m ok with. As a Christ-follower, I choose to call it God at work … Who I believe controls the course of my universe.
Whatever you/me/we call it … It’s loving our work that brings us the hope we need, to continue doing what we love!
Don’t misunderstand me, I’m not one of those people who believes if you love what you do, you cannot make money doing it.
However, I’m acutely aware that I work to see healing occur, to see results. And never for ‘just’ for the money.
Again, I’m not saying that I just do what I love and expect money to fall from the sky. But the outcome that fulfills me … is seeing healing and transformation take place.
I believe that when we find our purpose, we have the beautiful opportunity to combine making a living with influencing and blessing others.
It’s then that we have that beautiful opportunity to work like we don’t need the money.
Think about it.
How many times have we read the bios of successful, happy, peace-filled people who’ve said, “I didn’t do it for the money. I did it because that’s what I love. I never dreamed I could make a living doing what I love.”
How many times?
I hope you have the opportunity to work like you don’t need the money!
2. Dance like no one’s watching.
Almost every moment of the Power of Purpose, whether we’re dancing or not, is designed for taking people out of their comfort zones.
Early as we start the program, I assure people that no one finds their purpose holding onto and living in their comfort zone.
(Neither will you! So, if you’re looking for your purpose by keeping your heart and soul in a reclining position … that’s how dreams and dreamers never wake. And the broken ones your dream is meant to touch … wait as you recline.)
And I also forewarn them that much of the day will be out of their comfort zone, but amazingly fun if we give ourselves permission to go for it.
At the end of the program, without fail, so many people talk to me about how far outside of their comfort zones they were, but how glad they were that they stepped out of it.
We’re all encouraged in many ways to stay inside our comfort zone. Life has a way of pre-wiring us to think that way.
Remote control in hand, bonbons and nachos surrounding our cravings, recliner on low vibrate, feet up … the result?
Living what we don’t want … While still purposely purposeless doing and being what never works.
Although I’m all for relaxing moments, none of us can become our best, or have the opportunity to live our purpose inside our surrender to the comfort zone.
Dance, like nobody’s watching?
It’s there you’ll find your purpose!
It’s there you’ll find a fulfilling life!
Whether you’re a professional dancer, or don’t have an ounce of rhythm in your bones … I hope that every day you’ll do at least one thing to dance like nobody’s watching!
(Jeoffrey shares a moment … “My brother-in-law Ricky was dying. He knew it. He’d contracted the AIDS virus and asked if he could come to Franklin for Christmas. Of course, we said yes. I watched how he purposed to make every moment count. He painted ornaments with his sister and our kids. Slowly, so slowly, he’d turn his, examining each color, each stroke. Decorating cookies. Slowly, so slowly, he’d make sure the shiny sugar flakes were evenly applied. What struck me was how he simply didn’t care who was watching or why. How he was lost it what he loved … now that’s living an abundant life!)
I hope you will dance … like nobody’s watching! Immersed in what you love!
3. Love like you’ll never get hurt.
This weekend, the room was filled with people who had been hurt.
Several who’d been hurt by the consequences of addiction.
Two who’d been hurt by abusive marriages.
One who was hurt by having served a spouse for over 50 years who’d surrendered his life to alcohol.
As well as many other situations of hurt.
Built into the program are opportunities to invite people to give and receive love in the various exercises, in various ways.
Because I knew the histories of at least 60% of the people in the room, I was deeply touched to see people who’d been deeply hurt open up and begin to give and receive love.
The truth is most of us have been hurt deeply in various ways in our lives. And having to love again or feeling or receiving it … is scary stuff.
But closing our heart to giving and receiving love does not punish the one who hurt us, it only punishes and hurts us.
I remember one very devastating hurt.
I said to myself: “Never again!”
Thankfully, I was able to identify that thought, that was very quickly turning into a big and deeply rooted decision.
I challenged it within myself when I realized that the only person that would suffer from that decision would be me.
I’m so grateful I caught it and was able to reconsider.
Likely you’ve been hurt.
I hope and pray that at the right time, in the right place, with good boundaries and wisdom, that you’ll choose to love again.
To love like you’ve never been hurt.
I spent this morning reflecting on the powerful day yesterday.
The amazing people that I had the privilege to spend it with.
The fun moments.
The touching moments.
The transformation I had the privilege and honor to witness.
I thought how awesome that this quote sums it all up.
I hope you’ll choose to live that way.
I hope you’ll find your purpose.
I hope you’ll be able to work doing something you love.
Something that makes a difference.
I hope you will be able to dance out of your comfort zone!
And I hope you’ll be able to love like you’ve never been hurt.
And that you’re loved back fiercely … as you deserve to be!
Don’t be overwhelmed … the first step toward any destiny is deciding that we have one!
Once you do … stop, look, and listen for step two.
LET’S DO THIS!! Let’s work, dance, and love together!