Welcome to DrNeecie.com

We Specialize in Moving Mountains With Confidence

No matter the challenges that might be in your path,
those mountains can be moved!

who we are

Transform your life … transform your world!

Transform your life … transform your world!

30+ years of experience in training & certifying coaches
30+ years of Coaching leaders around the globe

30+ years of Coaching leaders around the globe
Institute has been at the forefront of training and certifying transformational coaches worldwide. Our immersive programs have empowered graduates across six continents and over 20 countries to become agents of change in various fields.

CEO of Master Coaching Institute


Transformation to Launch You Into Your Fulfilling Life

Gain clarity and confidence to move all vitally essential areas of life toward purpose and fulfillment.

Marathon Coaching

Multiple hours, ½ days, full days, multiple days – for immersive and massive transformation

Group Coaching

In a group setting, exponential results occur simultaneously from the group dynamic.

Workshops & Seminars

Offering worshops and seminars on The Power of Purpose, The Power of Marriage, The Power of Sobriety, The Power of Parenting, and more

Coach Training & Certification

Training and certification offerings both in person and virtually. Become a trauma-informed Coach equipped to effect massive transformation in lives, marriages, families, organizations, businesses.

how it works ?


We do not spend time on symptoms and quick solutions. We use science-based techniques to make change at the core level.


Embracing the “No Neutral” Framework

Discovering the revolutionary truth: nothing in life is neutral. They contribute to our energy and purpose or drain us.


Resurrecting the Champion

Discovering the part of you filled with wonder, awe, and limitless potential. Buried beneath pain, shame, trauma, and the relentless grind.


Mastering Neural Rewiring

Discovering new breakthroughs in neuroplasticity to restructure neuro connections for permanent behavior change.


Creating Your Blueprint for Success

Discovering the specific habits and practices that will keep you in alignment with your purpose and your vision.

why choose us ?

Empowering You to Embrace Change & Create Lasting Results

Client Satisfaction

Join us and expect a transformational experience that empowers you to excel in all areas of your life. We provide research-based techniques and strategies to navigate your own life challenges. Then to become equipped as a Transformational Specialist / Coach. Creating life-changing growth in individuals, couples, families, and organizations.

Experience & Expertise
Personalized Approach
Support & Accountability
What We Do

Experience Breakthroughs & Find Purpose in Every Session


Through transformative immersion, you’ll unlock creativity! Step away from the norm and discover thinking that empowers you to achieve what once seemed impossible. Our transformational, immersive approach shifts mindsets, opening up a world of possibilities.


Neuroscience confirms that transformation doesn't happen just through motivation, accountability, or even the best strategic advice. True change occurs at the neurological level. Dr. Neecie’s approach targets these neural pathways directly, achieving in weeks what might otherwise take years of traditional coaching or therapy.


Unleash your unlimited Coaching potential! Discover Dr. Neecie’s cutting-edge techniques to rewire your neuropathways and lead your clients by example into their personal transformation. You can help them reprogram their pathways for their own limitless potential and a life filled with purpose and abundance
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Happy Client

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Years Has Coaching

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Book Publishing

Testimonials …

What Graduates Are Saying

I have been able to help so many of my friends and colleagues with all I learned. It has increased my business, finances and influence significantly.

Noiko, Amori Japan

I came into coach training with a mountain of fear and I exited with mere crumbs. I learned that I did not have to live with fear. The choice to combat fear was mine. Only I did not know that I had that choice. Coach training armed me for combat. Fear is not commandant over my life anymore! Peace is…God is!

Julie, Carrollton, TX

An awesome time of learning how to help others find healing. Not for the faint of heart!

Michael, Richardson, TX

I believe this training is very valuable to the healing process people need to live free and freedom is so refreshing! People should expect to be shaken in a good way and should expect to walk in much more freedom after going through Coach Training. They will also be equipped to be helpful to others who need freedom.

Gwen, Grand Prairie, TX

You’ll never be the same again! You’ll have a completely different approach to life and people. Nancy, Frisco, TX

Nancy, Frisco TX

Most Commonly Asked Questions


We have full support and mentoring throughout the program. You may reach us via email, in our private Facebook group, and there is a Coaches Summit for Partnership & Accountability (C-SPA) where other graduates are waiting to serve you!

Certification timing depends on the level of certification you are seeking. The Basic Level of certification is an 8-week program online. The other two levels take a month or more each, depending on how quickly you submit your homework, and case examples for review.

The Basic Level is online, with weekly meetings for the 8 weeks of the program. The course work, delivered by Dr. Neecie, is available on video before each weekly meeting. There is also a weekly Q&A via zoom.

The rest of the program may be attended in person, or virtually. Many who are traveling from distances choose a hybrid method.

You will be assigned a mentor for each training. You will meet with them weekly, but additional time is available as needed.

After graduation, we have the Coaches Summit for Partnership & Accountability (C-SPA) available for ongoing support. There is a monthly fee after graduation, but unlimited ongoing support is available.

There is basic business and marketing involved in the training. But more in-depth course work on the matter is available also.


Providing Weekly Blogs to Inspire You on Your Journey

Fixing Patterns of Emotional / Verbal Abuse YES! Healing Is Necessary!

“We’ve been following along with your process about fixing what’s been broken. But what if it’s not an event, but ongoing emotional verbal abuse?”  …

Three Core Traits We Should All Seek to Become that Override Any and All Trauma Programming

Three Core Traits We Should All Seek to Become that Override Any and All Trauma Programming

“Back in early December, my daughter told me that all she wanted from me for Christmas this year was for me to attend your ‘Designing…

Let Courage Arise … To “Fix” What You’ve “Broken”!

Let Courage Arise … To “Fix” What You’ve “Broken”!

I know I’ve been a very difficult client, and I’m ready to do whatever it takes!” my client blurted out in his opening comments. To…