I was horrified and panicked in the green room. I was being mic’d up for my presentation, and they were reading the bio for someone else! “She’s a philanthropist and a World Changer! Welcome Dr. Neecie Moore!”
I was flooded with terror and my heart was pounding. I told the technician mic’ing me up, “They read the wrong bio! What do I do?” The tech shrugged as he made sure I was set as I walked out.
My mind was racing. Should I tell the audience they had read the wrong bio? And embarrass the MC? Should I act like I didn’t notice? Should I just crawl in a hole?
It was the first time I had ever heard the phrase “World Changer” … and I LOVED it! But not being misused in my intro! I remember as I walked out and saw familiar faces in the crowd, I calmed myself and decided to proceed with what I was there for … to talk about “Living Fearlessly!”
I do remember making note in my mind to research what “World Changer” meant.
There are many definitions of World Changers. Here are few of my favorites:
A person who has a deep inner desire to contribute to making the world a better place, and puts such impulses to action in order to see such change become a reality, no matter how small.
Someone who doesn’t have a dream or vision as much as a dream or vision has them.
A World Changer is someone who is committed to do just that, change the world. A World Changer is not someone who blends in. A World Changer sticks out. A World Changer stands up, ready to make a difference.
Changing the world? That sounds daunting. But to World Changers, it doesn’t sound nearly as daunting as acting as if it cannot be done. Or that they might fail to do their part of making it happen!

The world is OURS! Let’s change it!
Through the years, as I have trained and certified Life Coaches, Master Life Coaches and Executive Coaches, I have seen the World Changer come alive in many people. There is no greater blessing or reward than to witness such a powerful thing! It’s why I have devoted my life to awakening and equipping World Changers.
I bet you are a World Changer!
I’ve learned that there are some ways to identify who they are:
1. They have a deep commitment to results, created from a place of honesty and integrity. They don’t want to just “talk about” what’s possible or what the world needs. They want to be a part of the solution. They are willing to roll up their sleeves and get their hands dirty.
2. They are impassioned with great purpose. They know their purpose, and they are determined to live it and make the world a better place with it. In my signature workshop, The Power of Purpose, where I help people find their purpose and design a personalized blueprint to step into it … I love watching passion ignite. Years ago, a couple came through my workshop together. They realized that their purpose was to restore dignity to young women who had been involved in sex trafficking. I saw them come alive with passion while building their blueprint. Recently, they reached out to let me know that their work had expanded to three continents. I cried with joy as they shared their results. They are truly World Changers.
3. They are often those that you would least expect, often World Changers “against all odds.” One great example is a beautiful young lady who arrived at Coach Training with, as she put it, “All these giants of inner conflict in the form of fear, anger, and insecurity embedded within my soul. All topped with clinical depression.” In a note, she commented that she was in a season “brimming with hopelessness.” She was quiet, withdrawn, soft-spoken with her head tucked in fear and shame. You would’ve never expected her to be a World Changer. Yet the World Changer in her was called to life in the course of the training. At graduation, she stepped up and delivered a compelling call to find purpose and change the world. It shocked her, her wonderful family, and her fellow Coaches. “Life Coach training enabled me to tackle these giants from the inside-out. Hopelessness took a name change….to Hope! So much hope that I was blessed with the opportunity to author a book on hope!” Her amazing book, “Hope Inside Out” can be bought by clicking here! Her book is changing the world across nations.
4. They often have had great struggles with fear and self confidence and/or self worth. I have my own thoughts about why this is the case. I certainly know that my own struggle through childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood with fear, self-confidence and self worth was brutal. People who know me now have a hard time believing that it was ever a struggle for me. But it was real. I also know that my battle to free myself from its grip prepared me to be unstoppable. If you wonder if you are a World Changer, but have your doubts because of your fear, your lack of confidence, and your real sense of value, you likely ARE!
5. They have no need for fame or for their name to be attached to the changes they effect. There is nothing wrong with wanting your efforts to be appreciated, but World Changers don’t need to be mentioned on the 6 o’clock news to know they are World Changers. Some of the greatest contributions I have made (financially, time, energy, and great effort) are unknown by the receivers or benefactors. I believe World Changers are more interested in seeing the “good” done than in being recognized.
There are many more things that could be said of World Changers.
But the final point I make to World Changers is this: World Changers begin with themselves. They change THEIR worlds so they can change THE world.
As Mahatma Ghandi said: “If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him.”
As Michael Jackson sang: “I’m starting with the man in the mirror, i’m asking him to change his ways. And no message could have been any clearer. If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself, and then make a change.”
World Changers don’t expect to effect massive change unless they are the best version of themselves. That certainly doesn’t mean entering a journey toward perfection. It simply means entering a never-ending journey of growing, developing, and becoming the best you can possibly be!
That means sacrifice. Eating well. Living well. Using your time well (with limited time in front of media, whether it be television, Facebook, or an obsession with news). Making healthy choices for your body, mind, and spirit.
That means fun. You’ll be in shape physically, mentally, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually to have fun. It’s FUN changing the world.
That means choosing a road less traveled!
When I began my search for understanding World Changers, I came across a song that I played over and over and over until it got down into my soul. The lyrics broadened my vision. They are below, or you can see them and hear the song by clicking here.
World Changer
In a world full of dirt, you’re a diamond
In a world full of hurt, you’re smiling
In the darkest dark, you’re shining
Shining like a shooting star
You live your life like you’re here on a mission
Yeah, you’re not afraid of being different
You hear the doubters, but you don’t listen
‘Cause you know who you are
Yeah, you know who you are
This is to all the world changers
Keep walking on, don’t you ever
Lose that fire in your soul
Lose that fire in your soul
This is to all the world changers
You know you are history makers
This world’s never gonna change you
You’re gonna change
You’re gonna change
The world
In the face of fear, you’re fearless
You don’t care about being famous
And the world may never know your name but
The world will never be the same ’cause
From the ends of the earth to your hometown
To the lost, to the hurt, to the broke down
You’re the arms wide open
A love that’s showing every one of us the way now
This is to all the world changers
Keep walking on, don’t you ever
Lose that fire in your soul
Lose that fire in your soul
This is to all the world changers
You know you are history makers
This world’s never gonna change you
You’re gonna change
You’re gonna change
The world
Keep on fighting the fight
Keep on running the race
Keep on winning the crown
Keep on keeping the faith
Keep on leading with love
Keep on standing your ground
Don’t you ever give up
You give it all, you give it all
And when you’re knocked to the ground, you don’t stay down
You get up, you get up
And you fight another day
You’re a hero unsung
But the world knows a hero when it sees one
This is to all the world changers
Keep walking on, don’t you ever
Lose that fire in your soul
Lose that fire in your soul
This is to all the world changers
You know you are history makers
This world’s never gonna change you
You’re gonna change
You’re gonna change
The world
After I delivered my heart with my challenge to “Live Fearlessly,” I went back to the Green Room to get unmic’d. I ran into my dear friend, who was the creator of the event. I had met her years ago, serving as a Coach for Tony Robbin’s Life Mastery.
As the tech was “unwiring” me, I gave her a huge hug. I apologized that there had been a mistake in my intro, and I had no idea how to handle it, but assured her my bio did not contain an identification as a great philanthropist or a World Changer.
She laughed and said, “Of course it did!” I assured her I would never say that about myself. She said, “It wasn’t in your bio. But I asked Tony how he would describe you, and he offered those words.”
I was honored and humbled, and even more convinced that since they had been spoken, I simply had to become them! That’s my great mission!
Are you a world changer? If you even have a hope that you could be, but you’re afraid to say so … you likely are! If you are already impassioned with purpose, you are! There is only one of you on this earth. You are reading this for a reason. You have purpose. You can and will make a difference. YOU are a World Changer!